Gas-free Victoria

Victoria’s outdated planning regulations are still forcing thousands of new houses and developments to connect to the gas network every year. Changing these laws is a simple and urgent first step in the path to phasing out fossil gas.
Make Victoria gas free


Fossil gas is a polluting fuel that damages our climate. It is responsible for 16% of all Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions, and Victoria burns far more gas than other states. But the good news is that we have simple and effective solutions right now. By going electric we can heat our homes, cook delicious meals and have warm showers while reducing bills and cutting climate pollution. Show your support for getting off gas: Read our full report on how Victoria can reduce gas demand >>

Victoria uses far more gas than other Australian states. Most of the gas used in Victoria is for heating and hot water. This is a big opportunity because efficient, all-electric appliances are cheaper to run, safer for our health and produce less pollution.
• Find out how you can start going all electric in your home >>
• Learn more about how going all electric can cut emissions and bills on our FAQ page >>

Going electric also means we can eliminate the need for more destructive gas mining and import projects. Working alongside the amazing Westernport Bay community, we stopped AGL’s plan to build a polluting gas import terminal in the middle of a Ramsar listed wetland. It was a huge win for the community and the local environment. But unless we get off gas and switch to clean energy, we will remain in a vicious cycle where growing gas consumption continues to underpin these destructive projects. Already, Viva Energy is planning to build a gas import terminal in Geelong which could import gas from Woodside’s Scarborough project, a huge carbon bomb that would make our Paris climate targets harder to reach. The Andrews government has also given the green light for Beach Energy to mine for gas right next to the 12 Apostles. A plan that involves boring a hole underneath Port Campbell national park and 3.5km out into the ocean!

The shift from gas has already started!
The Andrews government has made some big positive steps with their program to replace 250,000 old and inefficient residential heaters over the next four years, along with expanded energy efficiency schemes. Several Victorian councils have also announced their intention to work towards all-electric buildings, ready to be powered by 100% clean energy! Read our report on creating Victoria’s first gas-free suburbs >>

But there’s a long way to go …
Victoria’s outdated planning regulations are still forcing thousands of new houses and developments to connect to the gas network every year. Changing these laws is a simple and urgent first step in the path to phasing out fossil gas. The Andrew’s government is also developing their ‘Gas Substitution Roadmap’ which should deliver a pathway for Victoria to get off fossil gas by shifting to efficient electric appliances and stopping the unnecessary expansion of the gas network. Read our people-powered submission to the Roadmap here >>

But we know the fossil gas industry is lobbying hard. They intend to do whatever they can to protect their profits at the expense of our health and climate. One of their favourite angles is to convince people their product can be made ‘green’ by using hydrogen. Unfortunately this is just greenwashing. While hydrogen made using wind and solar will be important for many industrial applications, it won’t work as a replacement for residential use. Find out why here >>

In the face of this industry greenwashing, it’s important for all of us to speak up. We need to show the Andrews government that Victorians support getting off gas!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Environment Victoria

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2022 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Gas-free Victoria