Fund Community Energy Campaign

The goal of this campaign is creating a vibrant community energy sector and movement throughout Australia.
Fund Community Energy - calling on the federal government to establish a $50 million grant program to support the development stage of community renewable energy projects


Community Energy is the future – a more sustainable, democratic, localised way of providing energy, where the power really is in the hands of the people. But there’s a problem. Politicians are blowing hot air about renewables again, instead of taking responsibility for ensuring a just transition to the modern, clean energy system we know we need.

What are we doing about it?
We will turn this silly attack on its head by finding potential political champions and taking these key Members of Parliament to see inspirational, operating community energy projects. Through the Spotlight Community Energy crowdfunding campaign we will demonstrate the tangible benefits of a more localised energy system, a win-win-win model that inspires champions because it just makes sense. That’s what we’ve seen in NSW, where the first-hand experience of MPs like Adam Marshall is driving the Coalition government to increase its support for Community Energy, and renewables more broadly. But to continue to see community energy grow and be a circuit-breaker in the energy debate, we need your help to create more political champions – and fast. Will you donate to the Spotlight Community Energy initiative and spreading the word to your friends and networks?

About the Plan
Picture it now: your local politician announcing a community energy hub for your local area, funded to the tune of a $1million. A small team of staff (perhaps you or your colleagues, even), on hand to provide advice and support. Start up funding to help new community energy projects get off the ground. A network to link you in with others across the nation. Perhaps a shop front. This is the vision outlined in Smart Energy Communities: a bold new policy to turbo-charge community renewables in Australia. And this is what we want to win this election. See more details about how the Smart Energy Communities program would work here. Or check out the recording of the Campaign Webinar below. In the webinar Nicky Ison and Lindsay Soutar give an overview of community energy in Australia, talk through the policy asks that make up the Smart Energy Communities Program (including 50 Community Powerhouses) and introduce the campaign to win big for community energy this election.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Coalition for Community Energy

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2013 to 2017

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: The Fund Community Energy project has been calling on the federal government to establish a $50 million grant program to support the development stage of community renewables. While that goal is yet to be realised, the ARENA/UTS project is at least a start.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Fund Community Energy Campaign