Frack Free WA

This campaign is against fracking in WA.
Frack Free WA


From Broome to Bunbury and beyond, vast areas of Western Australia are covered in gas licenses! Read more about the regions under threat from fracking in WA… Landholders and communities across WA are locking the gate to companies wanting to frack for shale and tight gas across our farmlands, water supply areas and iconic natural landscapes. Join the campaign for a Frack Free WA today!

Fracking threat
From the unique natural and cultural landscapes of the Kimberley, to the coastal splendour of the Ningaloo Coast, and from the wheat farms and wildflower reserves of the the state’s Mid West to the tourism, wine and fruit growing regions in the Swan Valley, Chittering Valley and the South West, nowhere in WA is safe from gas extraction. Many of the state’s most iconic, cherished and valuable landscapes are under threat from fracking. Large parts of Western Australia are covered in gas licences, with active exploration and production of shale and tight gas currently focused across three regions of the state – the Kimberley, the South West and the Mid West. Licences also cover parts of the Gascoyne region including areas inland from the Ningaloo Coast.

Fracking is already underway in WA, with at least 9 exploration wells fracked between 2004 and late 2015- the majority of these in the Mid West. This is what shale and tight gas exploration looks like in WA…. Shale gas always requires fracking to extract commercial quantities of gas, and fracking or other unconventional extraction methods is also required to extract tight gas. Fracking is also used during exploration for shale and tight gas. Learn more about the risks of fracking on this page and download a range of informative, referenced fact sheets here.

The Kimberley
The Canning Basin in the Kimberley has been identified as one of the most prospective regions in the world for shale gas. Buru Energy has undertaken several exploration fracking programs in the Kimberley. A report for ACOLA has estimated that up to 40,000 wells could be drilled if the industry goes to full production in the region.

Gascoyne Region
Gas exploration licences cover large ares of the Gascoyne region in central-north WA, including parts of the North West Cape, inland from and adjacent to, the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage area. Unconventional gas exploration is in the early stages in this region.

Mid West Region
The Mid West overlies the northern section of the Perth Basin, a geological formation that contains substantial deposits of tight and shale gas and much of the region is covered in exploration licences. In the Mid-West, development is going ahead at a rapid rate around Badgingarra and Irwin.

Swan/Chittering Region
There are currently two main companies with gas exploration permits covering a large part of the region, from the heart of the Swan Valley, over The Vines, Walyunga National Park, Bullsbrook, Chittering, Bindoon and beyond.

South West Region
Gas licences and applications cover large swathes of highly productive agricultural land in WA’s closely settled South West region. Exploratory fracking and other activities have been carried out in the Whicher Range near Margaret River, an iconic tourist destination and premier wine producing region.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Frack Free WA

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: WA State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on ABC website 'The Government announced it was lifting its moratorium on fracking in November 2018 at the conclusion of the WA scientific inquiry, which found fracking posed a low risk to human health and the environment. But even with the moratorium lifted, fracking is not permitted in Western Australia until the code of conduct and traditional owner and private landowner consent requirements can be implemented.' (sourced 6/3/2022 from Thus the outcome is partially successful, as while a full ban has not been achieved once the requirements are implemented on 2% of land will be able to be fracked - 'The WA Government has lifted its moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, but has promised 98 per cent of the state will remain "frack free".' (sourced 6//2022 from

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Frack Free WA