Fossil Fuel Divestment

SCEC’s divestment campaign: SCEC is campaigning for similar ethical action to be taken by the Sunshine Coast Council, the Noosa Council and the University of the Sunshine Coast.
Divest from fossil fuels


The science is clear. We cannot protect the Great Barrier Reef and continue with coal-fired electricity. There is now a powerful global campaign to move money out of the coal industry, and you can be part of it. What is divestment? Why Go Fossil Free? Sign our online petition and join Australia’s fossil fuel divestment movement!

Who has divested?
Many institutions in Australia and over the world have already made a commitment to fossil fuel divestment. Fossil Free Banks Fossil Free Councils Fossil Free Super Fossil Free Universities:
– Councillor Daniel Kagoy Deputy Mayor, Leichhardt Municipal Council. By moving our council’s money away from the fossil fuel industry, we send a message that it’s time to transition away from this dangerous industry. I would encourage all councillors to join the growing movement of local governments aligning council money with council values.
– Councillor Max Phillips Councillor, Marrickville Council; Marrickville Council has a strong commitment to combating climate change, with programs aimed at cutting emissions. We should back that up to ensure the financial institutions we use are not funding coal mines or coal seam gas projects.
– SCEC’s divestment campaign: SCEC is campaigning for similar ethical action to be taken by the Sunshine Coast Council, the Noosa Council and the University of the Sunshine Coast. Sign our online petition and join Australia’s fossil fuel divestment movement!

What you can do
There are many other ways you can join the divestment movement and make a difference.
– Move to a Fossil Free bank and make your switch count.
– Move your superannuation. Most people don’t think about their super when it comes to climate change, but your money is probably funding the very industries that undermine our climate. Moving your super into a carbon free superannuation funds is the single most powerful action you can take. Super Switch allows you to quickly and easily examine your super fund’s exposure to the fossil fuel industry, and find an alternative that is more closely aligned with your values.
– Spread the message with #GoFossilFree. Please contact us if you’d like to find out more [email protected].

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Sunshine Coast Environment Council

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Sunshine Coast Council| the Noosa Council and the University of the Sunshine Coast

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Neither Sunshine Coast nor Noosa Councils, nor the University of the Sunshine Coast have committeed to divestment (as at 6/03/2022).

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Fossil Fuel Divestment