Forests Protection

NSW forest. End the subsidies that destroy our forests. Urban land clearing rules are decimating Sydney's trees. New intensive logging of state forests. You can help by volunteering, making a donation and taking action on a current campaign.
End the subsidies that destroy our forests


Protecting NSW Forests. The forests of NSW are incredibly special. Three times the size of Tasmania, our forests are home to iconic species including the koala, pygmy possum, and echidna. Forests are vital to the health of our state, our people, and the survival of our iconic wildlife. Forests have been declining in NSW since European settlement began, and they are continuing to dwindle. Only 9% of the native forests that remain are protected in national parks or conservation areas. Much of our remaining forests are slated for logging as state forests. These state forests represent incredibly important wildlife habitats and stunning landscapes. Almost 1000 wildlife and plant species in NSW are formally listed as being threatened with extinction. At the current rate, even the iconic koala may be gone by from NSW by 2055. The only way stop the decimation of these precious environments is to end subsidised and unprofitable logging of our public state forests.

End the subsidies that destroy our forests
A new report by The Australia Institute reveals that as NSW residents we are subsidising the destruction of our remaining native forests. Over the past seven years, we have propped up the uneconomic native forests logging industry to the tune of $79 million. This means that without taxpayer handouts, this part of the industry would be unviable. Read the full report here. Check out this video to learn more about how this destroying our native forests is impacting koalas and other native wildlife. Many thanks to Yoga for Nature for putting this together.

Urban land clearing rules are decimating Sydney’s trees. Premier Mike Baird’s government has passed urban land-clearing rules under the guise of bushfire protection. Fire experts agree this the 10/50 urban land- clearing rule which allows trees within 10 metres of a home to be cleared is bad policy. The government must immediately repeal and withdraw this rule which is transforming Sydney’s leafy suburbs.

New intensive logging of state forests
The government is persisting with new rules that will allow even more intensive logging of our state forests. These rules are being worked up in secret with the Forestry Corporation, and will mean wider destruction of trees and wildlife habitat. NCC is working with our member groups across the state to be protect our ancient forests. You can help by volunteering, making a donation and taking action on a current campaign.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Nature Conservation Council NSW

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Forests Protection