Food Co-ops

This campaign aims to share resources, information and ideas that assist us in maintaining valuable food cooperatives and catalysing the create of new food cooperatives.
Maintain valuable food cooperatives and catalyse the create of new food cooperatives


The Food Co-op working group is a national network of food cooperatives based on universities throughout Australia. Working together we hope to share resources, information and ideas that assist us in maintaining valuable food cooperatives and catalysing the create of new food cooperatives. We also hope to produce a regular publication to share information with students about the sustainable and cooperative practices. In 2006, we will ensure the importance of food cooperatives on campus is recognised, ensuring they have a place in the university communities post the introduction of the neo liberal anti-student organising legislation (VSU) in mid 2006. Contact: Monika Bauman on 0414 901 276 / [email protected]

Campaign resources & links
• Click here and here (page 1, page 2) for the ASEN Food Co-op Network Newsletter, Edition 1, 2006.
• Click here for ‘I love my Co-op’ badges
• Download spunky food co-op stickers here
• A Basic Intro to Cooperatives
• food_co_op_broadsheet_2007 ACTUAL BROADSHEET
• food_coops_in_oz feb 2007 for web
• i love my coop BADGES
• i love my coop stickers
• so what do all theses weird terms mean some plain english defins
• stupermarkets stickers with text alt font
• stupermarkets stickers with text
• the tale of the coop, jars and their plea for your help alterative formating
• the ttale of the coop, jars and their plea for your help
• Thoughtful Foods’ Teas
• Why coops rock and why i love the food coop
• Why coops rockin the uni boat by amy
• why i love the food coop by catronia

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2012

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Food Co-ops