First Nation’s Land Rights

This campaign by FoE FNQ aimed to help achieve First Nations' land rights and recognition and restitution of past injustices.
First Nations' land rights and recognition and restitution of past injustices


Friends of the Earth Far North Queensland (FoE FNQ) was formed in 2005, originally known as FoE Kuranda. Brought together by concern about land clearing for a new highway, we now work regionally with other local and national groups on a wide range of issues. Our aims are:
• To lobby for carbon neutral economies locally, regionally and nationally.
• To raise awareness of the positive actions communities can take on climate change.
• To support communities nationally and internationally in adapting to climate induced natural disasters.
• To work for climate justice.
• To reverse the loss of biodiversity and prevent the extinction of vulnerable, threatened and endangered species of flora and fauna – especially keystone species such as the southern cassowary and flying foxes, the seed dispersal agents of the tropical rainforests.
• To work with and lobby local, State and Federal Governments for sustainable town and regional planning, so preventing any more habitat fragmentation and destruction.
• To protect watercourses and restore them back to clean, healthy and living ecosystems.
• To enhance soil health by campaigning for better agricultural practices and promoting regenerative agriculture.
• To campaign for First Nations’ land rights and recognition and restitution of past injustices.
• To work for socially inclusive communities that are safe places for everyone.

We are a friendly, inclusive, diverse group of people with a wide range of interests and welcome new members. If you or your group are passionate about the environment and social justice, please contact us and come along to one of our meetings. We’d love to hear from you.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Friends of the Earth Far North Queensland

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


First Nation’s Land Rights