Fight for the Reef

Fight for the Reef is a partnership between the Australian Marine Conservation Society and WWF-Australia. We’re working with people who love the Reef along the Queensland coast, across Australia and all over the world - who all want to see it protected. The Fight for the Reef campaign has helped to: Secure a ban on capital dredge spoil dumping in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Protect untouched parts of the Reef coast from new port developments, Stop three mega coal port expansions, Ensure the World Heritage Committee keeps the Australian Government ‘on probation’ until Reef health improves.
Stop industrial port expansion, Support strong laws and funding to cut farm pollution, Turn down the heat on the Reef by investing in renewable energy.


IT’S YOUR REEF. HELP FIGHT FOR IT. The Great Barrier Reef is in crisis – and the next few years will decide whether it survives and thrives. Will you act now and show your support? SIGN UP, TAKE ACTION, DONATE.

Fight for the Reef is a partnership between the Australian Marine Conservation Society and WWF-Australia. We’re working with people who love the Reef along the Queensland coast, across Australia and all over the world – who all want to see it protected.

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE COME TOGETHER TO HELP FIGHT FOR THE REEF and together we have achieved great things:
• Built a global community of over 200,000 people fighting for the Reef (and counting!).
• Secured a ban on most dumping of dredge spoil within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
• Stopped several mega port expansions and secured protection for untouched parts of the Reef coast.
• JOIN THE FIGHT (sourced[28/01/2017 6:09:16 PM])

The story so far. In the last two years the Fight for the Reef campaign has helped to: Secure a ban on capital dredge spoil dumping in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Protect untouched parts of the Reef coast like the Fitzroy Delta and Cape York from new port developments, Stop three mega coal port expansions, Ensure the World Heritage Committee keeps the Australian Government ‘on probation’ until Reef health improves. This is a tremendous success, but we can’t let up… Our Reef is still under threat from a major port expansion at Abbot Point, chemical farm run-off and global warming. We must remind our Governments it’s their job to protect the Reef and the 69,000 jobs it provides. Australia has a global responsibility to look after the Reef for future generations. We love our Great Barrier Reef, but we’re going to have to fight for it.

Our aims
The aim of the campaign is to ra

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Fight for the Reef

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Queensland State Government

Groups - Other: Australian Marine Conservation Society, World Wide Fund for Nature,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Fight for the Reef