Federal Election Campaign 2022

What a victory! Congratulations to Monique Ryan and her team – they have achieved what seemed hard to imagine only six months before election day.
Vote Monique Ryan in for Kooyong.


Federal election campaign 2022.Congratulations to Monique Ryan – and Kooyong voters! What a victory! Congratulations to Monique Ryan and her team – they have achieved what seemed hard to imagine only six months before election day. Climate was central to Monique’s campaign, and the results across the country for the other teal independents and for the Greens confirmed that Australians want a major step up in climate action.

Kooyong voters clearly endorsed stronger climate policies. 48% of first preferences went to the candidates with an ambitious climate program (Monique Ryan and Piers Mitchem of the Greens) and a further 7% to those advocating strengthening of current policies (Labor and Animal Justice). Well done Kooyong! The national results show that Kooyong was not an aberration, and send a very clear message to the new Labor government about the community’s desire for real action on the climate. A huge thank you to our volunteers! The KCCA and all our volunteers and supporters can take great satisfaction in the vital role we played in making climate a key issue for Kooyong voters – and not just in the election campaign, but in the months and years leading up to it. We can all take credit for laying the groundwork which made victory for a climate candidate possible.

Our volunteers put in a massive effort for the climate during the election:
– Developing a climate scorecard (with the Victorian Climate Action Network) giving voters a clear assessment of the candidates’ climate policies
– Regular Saturday morning climate conversations with shoppers in major centres
– Putting up our ‘Vote Climate for the Kids’ fence signs
– Letterboxing 60,000 Kooyong households with our climate scorecard
– Handing out the scorecard to voters on every day of pre-polling, with at least 2 people in 42 shifts from 8 am to 8 pm
– Staffing 25 voting booths on election day, covering 100 shifts with at least 2 people in most cases, involving over 150 volunteers, many doing multiple shifts.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Kooyong Climate Change Alliance

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2022 to 2022

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on the campaign website 'What a victory! Congratulations to Monique Ryan and her team – they have achieved what seemed hard to imagine only six months before election day.' Outcome ascertained 3/6/2023 from website https://kooyongvotesclimate.com/campaigns/federal-election/

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Federal Election Campaign 2022