Don’t Rock the Maroochy!

Campaign targeting council about rockwalling of Maroochy River.
Do not rock wall the magnificent Maroochy River


At the 25 January Ordinary Meeting of the Sunshine Coast Council, a questionable and contentious motion recommending options which would ultimately see the rock walling of the magnificent Maroochy River was sensibly not supported. Instead, an alternative motion put by Mayor Mark Jamieson to undertake further studies and consultation was unanimously passed.

Amongst a range of necessary considerations, this ‘pause and revisit’ importantly provides the opportunity to re-establish the Maroochy River Entrance Working Party – a consultative group comprising broad representation offering a range of expertise and knowledge initially convened some twenty years ago. Such a group provides the required independent model to ensure robust and interactive community engagement upon which to base future recommendations which rightly reflect the environmental, cultural, social and economic significance of the Maroochy River. This feature in the Sunshine Coast Daily explores various aspects and important considerations when it comes to understanding and protecting the values of this most important natural asset – the mighty Maroochy River.

Editorial Explainer:
– The importance of getting the river mouth right Maroochy River solutions on the table
– Questions surround Maroochy River rock wall proposal All values and concerns need to be addressed
– SCEC has been historically active on this issue and will continue to be, so please stay tuned for further updates and actions
– In the meantime, you can sign this petition and let Council and us know your thoughts, especially regarding proper community consultation.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Sunshine Coast Environment Council

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Local Council

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Don’t Rock the Maroochy!