Communicating Climate Change

To win the upcoming Federal election we need to be able to communicate to our fellow Australians both the challenge and the opportunity that climate change presents.
Talk about climate action with Labor members across the country


In the first half of 2016 LEAN is once again out and about talking about climate action with Labor members across the country. WHY? We see climate change as the biggest challenge of the 21st century. It is a threat to our great Australian way of life and ethos of the fair go. And quite simply, because the rest of the world is moving towards renewables and we want Australia to catch up with the opportunities for jobs, innovation, new industries and economic prosperity. We know that Climate Action is an important policy issue for this election. We know that Labor is the only credible option for voters wanting to see real Climate Action policies implemented by an Australian government.

BUT IT CAN BE A TRICKY SUBJECT… So often when we try to talk about climate change it becomes a jumble of facts and figures. And disempowering predictions of catastrophe. Many people tune out, or put climate action in the too hard basket. Labor’s struggle to continue to enjoy the support of the electorate with its climate change policies, when last in Government Federally, reflected some holes in our communications skills!

To win the upcoming Federal election we need to be able to communicate to our fellow Australians both the challenge and the opportunity that climate change presents. LEAN is working to give people tools to talk in simple English about what climate change is, why it matters and how Labor’s policies will address it. LEAN has developed some tools to help people talk climate change in a way that relates to people’s everyday reality. And to better understand the Labor policy if asked in the heat of the campaign.

ONE CONVERSATION AT A TIME. Much of modern election campaigning focusses on the need to have genuine conversations with fellow voters. Votes are gathered when political issues are discussed from the vantage point of shared experience and interests. However many Labor members describe flailing in these conversations when people ask exactly what Labor’s policy plan is. LEAN’s campaign aims to provide the “content” to inform conversations and provide members with the confidence to spruik Labor’s climate commitment.

Are you interested in diving into the heart of this campaign and becoming one of LEAN Local Branch presenters? LEAN is providing training in most major cities to ensure LEAN members know how to help fellow Labor supporters feel confident with talking about climate change. Email National Campaign Organiser, [email protected] and she will put you in touch with the coordinator in your state. Do you want a LEAN presenter to come to your branch? Are you interested in organising for a LEAN volunteer to present at your local branch, or other party unit? LEAN has an army of volunteers itching to come and talk to your branch about this important issue and how to talk to others about it as the election looms. Contact National Campaign Organiser, [email protected] if you’d like to organise a visit.

Would like to check out the campaign materials? Here they are: two documents full of tips to make climate change urgent and relevant. They are easy to print out: Communicating Climate Action Climate Myth Busting And here’s a short, 5 minute video version of our presentation. It sums it all up! You could arrange to show it at your branch yourself: Communicating Climate Change Video.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Labor Environment Action Network

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Labor Party Members

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: It is unclear how this is tracked or measured

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Communicating Climate Change