Coal Seam Gas BBSN

This campaign opposed further coal and unconventional gas mining in Gippsland.
Legislate or regulate to protect our communities and environment


4th November from Ursula, Friends of the Earth CSG campaigner
Hello everyone,
I write to you all with some rather positive news. On Sunday, The Age, reported information about a leaked email from Shaun Leane (Labor MLC), who sits on the inquiry committee. The Age reported that Mr Leane, has sought a permanent ban on fracking. Below is the link to The Age article: This news is certainly welcomed, although a little surprising as the final report has not yet been completed. Gasfield Free communities across Victoria, are now starting a campaign to reach out the committee for the final time, before recommendations are finalised. We need you to be involved. This week, we ask that you contact members of the committee, a select few for week one(see below). It could be a phone call, email, facebook message or tweet, or even a hand written letter. Social media is an effective way to make our voices heard and is very public, so if you use facebook or twitter this is a great opportunity! Then the following week we will give you details of the remaining committee members.

This is our last opportunity to make our voices heard loud and clear, we want a ban on unconventional gas in Victoria. The committee are well and truly educated on the issue, and we now need to keep the pressure up, that they need to be accountable and hold a huge responsibility. Below we have written a template that can help you write your own. So please, take the time to write and ask the committee members to stand alongside Mr Leane and recommend a ban on this industry. Thank you.

BBSN position statement on coal and unconventional gas mining: The Baw Baw Sustainability Network is totally opposed to further coal and unconventional gas mining in Gippsland. We hold this position because we believe the precautionary principle should apply before damage is done to our environment and the risks posed by these industries are too great. Specifically, we are concerned about :
• climate change. Burning fossil fuels is directly responsible for the rise in global temperatures, more extreme weather events, ice sheet melting, acidification of oceans and it threatens biodiversity, human populations through food and water scarcity and conflict. We need to stop burning fossil fuels so further exploration and mining is nonsensical. We have access to plenty of gas from Bass Strait that will enable us to transition to renewables.
• Water. Whether a coal seam is fracked or not, the water that is pumped to the surface is contaminated with volatile organic compounds, methane, heavy metals and enormous quantities of salt. This toxic water often finds its way into surface and ground water which is incompatible with health for all living creatures.
• Human health. CSG miners are unwilling to share the details of the chemicals they use in the fracking process which will cause further contamination of land and water as described above.
Food. Gippsland has a reputation for being a clean, green food producing area. Coal and CSG mining in our farmland will destroy that reputation. Farm produce whether it be meat, dairy or vegetables risks contamination and loss of income for farmers and the food processing industry.
• Noise. Experience of CSG mining in NSW and Qld shows that it is a noisy industry with many trucks using the local roads and gas compressor stations operating 24hrs a day. Property values. NSW and Qld landholders report losses of land value up to 50% if gas wells are on or near the land.

The negatives of this industry far outweigh any positives. We are committed to preventing this industry from starting in Gippsland to protect ourselves, our land and the rights of our descendants to enjoy an environment free of the effects of this short term “grab for cash”. BBSN calls on the community and our politicians to oppose this industry by making their voices heard in the local papers, newsletters, direct action, expressing views to politicians, all levels of government to legislate or regulate to protect our communities and environment. Show your support by buying a Lock the Gate sign and put it in a prominent position on your property. Know your rights as a landholder- contact the Environmental Defenders Office on 1300 336 842. More information on unconventional gas mining can be found at,,,,

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Politicians and all government levels| Government committee running inquiry into coal seam gas

Groups - Other: Friends of the Earth Melbourne,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2014 to 2018

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Some States have bought in legislation banning or restriction coal seam gas mining

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Coal Seam Gas BBSN