Coal and Gas

It’s time for our state to move beyond coal and gas, by driving investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable industries that don’t threaten our land, water and wild places
Stop the polluting coal and gas industries destroying precious wildlife habitat and adding to climate change


Defending communities, water and wild places against coal and gas. Coal and gas expansion is out of control. Coal and coal seam gas companies are attempting to expand mining and fracking at unprecedented rates across New South Wales, threatening public health, clean air and water, productive farmlands and natural areas. Exploration licences and mining leases have been granted over tens of millions of hectares of our state. Public lands are at particular risk: our analysis has found that coal and gas exploration licences cover more than half of our state forests and nearly two thirds of our state conservation areas. Coal mining creates permanent, destructive changes to our environment, clearing wildlife habitat, destroying rivers and streams, permanently damaging aquifers and polluting air and water. Coal mined in New South Wales is burned in Australia and overseas, polluting the air and producing over 400 million tonnes of carbon pollution annually. We cannot afford to sacrifice the essentials of life – clean air, fresh water and our best farmland – for the benefit of powerful vested interests. It’s time to take a stand to protect our land, our water and our future.

Most people think the coal industry is doing NSW more harm than good
A majority of people in NSW thinks the coal industry is doing NSW communities more harm than good. ReachTEL conducted the survey on March 14 this year to test community attitudes to the coal and coal seam gas industries in NSW, and to the Baird government’s management of the sector.

For the first time, most people think coal does NSW more harm than good. Today, more than 56% of people say coal mining is having a negative impact on NSW communities, while 44% say it is having a positive impact. This result is the reverse of the results of the survey in 2013, and represents a very significant shift in community attitudes. More people want environmental protections from coal and CSG now than in 2014. The solid majority that wanted farmland, water and the environment protected from coal and CSG in 2014 (74%) has increase significantly to 84%. This shift has occurred despite the government’s assurances it is properly managing these matters (for example, through the Gas Plan, CSG licence buybacks, etc.). Premier Mike Baird hasn’t done enough to stop environmental harm from coal and CSG. 62% of people think Premier Baird still has not done enough to protect farmland, water and the environment from coal and CSG. This is despite two years of government propaganda, policy tweaking, CSG buybacks, and advertising campaigns by the coal sector (Coal is Amazing).

Our solution
We need laws that:
– protect our water resources, wild places and productive farmland
– put strict limits on air and water pollution to protect community health
– protect community rights and ensure independent assessment of mining proposals
It’s time for our state to move beyond coal and gas, by driving investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable industries that don’t threaten our land, water and wild places.

Get involved
We are playing a leading role in state wide efforts to secure protection of natural areas, water resources and local communities from destructive mining and coal seam gas development. You can get involved by volunteering, taking action online and making a donation.

Protect Sydney’s Water
Coal mining in Sydney’s drinking water catchment is cracking bedrock, destroying creeks and streams and draining about three billion litres a year from our water supply. We have formed a broad community alliance to protect the water supply for more than 4.5 million people. Learn more.

Icons Under Threat
Our Icons Under Threat report outlines case studies from seven iconic natural areas at risk from coal and gas expansion. Our Icons Under Threat video tells stories from people at the front line of the fight for our treasured natural places. Learn more.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Nature Conservation Council NSW

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Coal and Gas