Coal and CSG Free Communities Campaign

We're ramping up our campaign to keep coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) out of our Scenic Rim. Encourage people to vote to keep their streets, localities, villages and towns Coal and CSG Free. The results are transparent, conclusive and above board - concrete, irrefutable proof that we do not want to live with coal mines and CSG production. The Coal/CSG Free Declaration might not be legally enforceable, but it gives our Council and local members an overwhelming mandate.
Stand strongly, united in our clear position that We want to stay coal and CSG Free


It’s been a while, but that certainly doesn’t mean nothing is happening. It’s just hard to find time to write! The big news – we’re ramping up our campaign to keep coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) out of our Scenic Rim, in light of on-going evidence that mining companies are going ahead with plans for the region. The companies say there is no impediment on mining in the Scenic Rim because the State government is yet to legislate to enforce it promise to protect our region.

Coal and CSG Free Scenic Rim
We need to show we are determined and united. legislate to keep its promise. Through peaceful methods we will also continue to show miners they are not welcome here.

Forget re-inventing the wheel – we’re rolling out a highly successful NSW project, which encourages people to vote to keep their streets,localities, villages and towns Coal and CSG Free. Resident surveys in the Northern Rivers saw 98%+ of people vote to keep their street CSG -Free. The results are transparent, conclusive and above board – concrete, irrefutable proof that we do not want to live with coal mines and CSG production. The Coal/CSG Free Declaration might not be legally enforceable, but it gives our Council and local members an overwhelming mandate. Click here to learn more, including dates for information sessions near you. You might even be interested in helping survey your road.

Why do we need to do this – the miners only want to explore? Yes, it might only be exploration, but if mining companies can ‘prove’ a significant resource, they then have more ammunition to lobby our Government. Their argument is the coal and gas belongs to the people of Queensland, so when the Government considers ‘locking-up’ the Scenic Rim, it is fore-saking royalties — the fact that mining will change the character of the Scenic Rim forever, impacting on communities, water, agriculture, tourism and health does not seem to be part of the miner’s consideration at this point. It is important to remember that although mining is subject to tight regulation, no mine has ever been refused in Queensland. The companies just work with Government to tailor an Environmental Authority which allows them to proceed.

The adequacy of these EA’s to protect communities, soil and water is questionable — you only have to look to the Darling Downs and other coal mining communities to see EA’s do not protect communities and environments from coal dust, water contamination, loss of farmland etc. Click here to see in inpirational you-tube link which shows how communities in northern NSW rolled out their CSG Free Declarations – it’s a campaign which sends a strong message, but it also brings us together – after all, should we not have the right to decide what kind of area we want to live in? For those who’d like more, below you’ll find a longer update of some of the happenings in Kind Regards, your Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic organising team

And there’s more!
– Allegiance Coal continues its push for a coal mine just south of Boonah Film/Info session – How could a coal mine or CSG change your life?
– Linda Weston gets her day in court – August 3, 2012. Consider being there to support her
– Walk Against Coal & CSG – 5 days from Aug 13, join for a few hours, a day, come the finale
– Are you comfortable with a high-pressure gas pipeline through Scenic Rim? SOS – Save our Scenic Rim: our very own song to raise funds for this fight We’re getting out there – awareness raising on the streets
– Kerry Quarry – the fight goes to court and a creative and exciting fundraiser at Nindooinbah
– Is CSG activity, less than 200km from us, making residents of Tara and their children sick?
– The Condamine River is bubbling gas – has CSG production nearby caused the damage?
– A flammable landholder bore in Queensland – Government inspectors can’t find gas. See the footage to make up your own mind.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic

Campaign Target Type: , ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Council| State and Federal Members

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: It is unclear whether they stood strongly

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Coal and CSG Free Communities Campaign