Climate Justice FoE Australia

Friends of the Earth believe it is essential to address the social issues, such as disproportionate use of resources, inequality, and colonisation, while responding to climate change.
Resist the spread of the nuclear, coal and gas industry, protect forests from further devastation, support communities on positive solutions such as rolling out renewable energy.


Over a century of industrial development has pumped greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, warming the globe and pushing the climate perilously close to dangerous tipping points. Urgent action to tackle climate change is now needed. Measures to prevent dangerous climate change and build resilience to the impacts must be fair and just. They must hold those who are most liable for the problem to account for their contributions; ensure those with the greatest capacity do the heavy lifting; and protect those who are most exposed to climate change impacts.

Friends of the Earth believe it is essential to address the social issues, such as disproportionate use of resources, inequality, and colonisation, while responding to climate change. Friends of the Earth are actively working with frontline communities around the country to resist the spread of the nuclear, coal and gas industry, and to protect forests – our beautiful carbon sinks – from further devastation. We are also supporting communities on positive solutions such as rolling out renewable energy. Historically, our climate justice campaigns have forged the agenda on the human rights dimensions of climate change. We have supported the rights of those at risk of climate-induced displacement as well as exposing the social impacts of carbon offset schemes in countries of the global south.

Our Vision
• To limit the greenhouse gas concentration level in the atmosphere to be safe for all life on planet earth.
• To work in genuine collaboration with and be lead by first Australians in a process of de-colonisation of the economy, especially around mining issues.
• To ensure that nuclear energy is not seen as a solution to climate change.
• To ensure that an inclusive renewable energy future is created, primarily based on community owned and operated power.
• To reshape economic systems so they acknowledge ecological limits, prevent dangerous climate change, and build resilience to the impacts that are already locked in.
• To ensure that no-one is left behind when dealing with climate change. (sourced 25/1/2022 from Wayback Machine

For over 40 years Friends of the Earth has campaigned on the understanding that you can’t separate environmental and social justice issues and with climate change there is no difference.

THE CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX – THE GREATEST HOAX OF ALL? The notion of the Climate Change Hoax has recently been promoted by President-Elect Donald Trump, conservative politicians around the world, business leaders tied to the fossil… (Read more)
TIME TO START THE TRANSITION FROM COAL: This year is an important one for climate action in Victoria. We now have a state renewable energy target (a VRET) and will soon… (Read more)
SOUTH AUSTRALIA STORM A WAKEUP CALL TO ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE: As emergency workers assist South Australians with the fallout from a historic storm that knocked down multiple power lines, causing a blackout across the… (Read more).

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Friends of the Earth Australia

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on The Guardian: 'Revealed: northern Australia's fossil fuel plans push climate goals beyond reach' (sourced 25/4/2022 and written 09/10/2019 from

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Climate Justice FoE Australia