Climate Emergency

This campaign seeks a declaraion of an emergency. A declaration mobilises government and community resources and funds that are not normally available and inspires the public to act for the common good. That's what we need now, to head off the coming climate emergency.


Help build support for a climate emergency declaration.

Mobilising public and private resources to restore a safe climate for the common good In February 2016, global temperatures spiked to well over 1.5°C above pre-industrial times, just weeks after the Paris resolution aimed at not exceeding that benchmark. See: Climate Reality Check. Ask the Australian parliament to declare a climate emergency and mobilise resources to restore a safe climate. Australians are great at pitching in to help and mobilising resources in an emergency. We’ve seen the response to Cyclone Debbie, and the floods in north-eastern NSW. Same as the Queensland floods of 2011. Three-quarters of the council areas within the state of Queensland were declared disaster zones. Government funds were made available and a large workforce was mobilised to deal with the emergency. Volunteers were quick to offer assistance. More than 55,000 volunteers registered to help clean up the streets of Brisbane, with thousands more simply pitching in to help in all affected areas. All over Australia kind-hearted individuals and community groups took the initiative to send supplies and raise emergency funds.

But what if we could mobilise that sort of response before the emergencies happen? Declaring an emergency is a significant step. It mobilises government and community resources and funds that are not normally available and inspires the public to act for the common good. That’s what we need now, to head off the coming climate emergency. Call on Parliament to act on climate now. Sign the petition to call for strong, immediate action at

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Change Balmain Rozelle

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2018 to 2020

Campaign Outcome:


Climate Emergency