Climate Change Election May 18th

This campaign focuses on how to vote for Forests and Climate ahead of the 2019 federal election.
An end to industrial native forest logging, prohibition of the export of native forest biomass, and removal of incentives for its use for electricity and biofuels, reinstatement of the former ban on energy credits and subsidies for burning forests, assistance for native forest protection and ecological restoration.


Climate Change Election May 18th: How to VOTE for Forests and Climate

National Position Statement against Forest Bioenergy
Please help us let everyone know about this now
DRAFT: Media Releases
DRAFT : Letters to Editors/Opinion

Federal Parliamentarians
Key Labor Policy Makers – Important to contact these

SOCIAL MEDIA MESSAGING – Share our social media graphics and posts on facebook, twitter or your favourite platform.
1. The National Position Statement against Forest bioenergy (3.7 MB pdf)
2. Evidence document for why native forest logging and clearing must end and forests not be burnt for energy
3. Talking Points document
4. Warnings from international and national scientists against logging and burning forests
5. International Threat Map of Forest Bioenergy to 2027

Deforestation And Cleared Land Map Since 1800 Australia has destroyed or utterly degraded its native forests and woodlands and now what remains is in danger of export for global furnaces. Since 1800 Australia has destroyed or utterly degraded its native forests and woodlands and now what remains is in danger of export for global furnaces.
• The Size We Were Allowed To Grow Before
• The Size Our Native Forests Were Allowed To Grow Before

AFCA will soon add another dimension to our campaign and will contact all signatories to the National Position Statement against Forest Energy so they choose, if they wish, to also support the End to Native Forest Logging. In that campaign we will call, along with scientists and academics for:
• an end to industrial native forest logging
• prohibition of the export of native forest biomass, and removal of incentives for its use for electricity and biofuels
• reinstatement of the former ban on energy credits and subsidies for burning forests
• assistance for native forest protection and ecological restoration.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Forests and Climate Alliance

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2019 to 2019

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Climate Change Election May 18th