Climate Action Now – ACF

This is ACF's broader Climate Action campaign. Calling for ending coal and gas, harnessing clean renewable energy, protecting and restoring nature, and cleaner and smarter transport. Connected to this is ACF's court case against Woodside for their Scarborough Gas project.
Ending coal and gas in Australia


This is the decade for action
Our communities and wildlife are at the frontlines of climate impacts. Floods, heatwaves, droughts and bushfires are getting more frequent and more extreme.
People all over Australia are speaking out, building powerful movements and shifting community attitudes. Together we are pushing governments and corporations to step up – but bolder, more courageous action is urgently needed.
To protect the people and nature we love, we must replace polluting coal, gas and uranium with renewable energy from the sun and wind. It’s reliable, affordable and ready to power our lives and exports, and slash pollution now.
This is the decade that matters. Let’s act now to create a safe climate future for all.

This is the decade for climate solutions
Together we keep growing a thriving movement for climate action that wins hearts and minds. Now our decision-makers are starting to take action with us. Our state and federal governments are lifting their emissions reduction targets, investing in large-scale, publicly-owned wind and solar power. But our governments are still spending billions in public money on coal, gas and oil. Australia continues to be the world’s biggest exporter of coal and liquified natural gas (LNG). No matter where coal and gas are burnt, it drives climate impacts here at home and across the world. Climate damage is here, now. We urgently need bolder and more ambitious action. The solutions are here and they’ll make our lives better. 

* Ending coal and gas in Australia is the most effective way to slash pollution now.
* Harnessing clean energy from the sun and wind can replace coal, gas and uranium, make us a world leader in renewable energy, create future-proof jobs in communities like Gladstone, Queensland, and a lucrative new export industry for our economy.
* Protecting and restoring nature helps keep our planet cool. The tall wet forests of southeast Australia and the wet tropics of Queensland are some of the biggest carbon banks on earth.
* Travelling cleaner and smarter will take pollution off our roads. We can build more paths to walk and cycle and electrify our public transport and cars.
Ramping up climate solutions now will create a brighter, safe climate future. Let’s get on with it!

Join in
Everyday people taking action over many years has led us here. Donations, emails to decision-makers, putting signs up in our front yards, building power deep in communities.
Everyday people taking action is how we keep slashing pollution – and speed it up.
Join the movement for a brighter future today. To get started add your name to the petition to end coal and gas in Australia.

A climate bomb on the west coast
One of the most polluting new fossil fuel projects proposed in Australia is Woodside’s Scarborough gas project off the coast of Western Australia. Each year, Scarborough would pollute 15 coal-fired power stations worth of emissions. Gas is mainly made up of methane, which is a climate-heating gas way more potent than carbon dioxide. Most of the gas dug up at Scarborough would be burnt overseas. But no matter where coal and gas are burnt, it drives climate impacts here at home and across the world. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, ACF is taking Woodside to federal court to restrain construction on the Scarborough project. Donate now to help fund the court case. If we win we’ll set a precedent that all new fossil fuel projects must be assessed for their climate impacts under our national environment law.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Conservation Foundation

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2019 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Climate Action Now – ACF