Clean Energy Campaign

ASEN is running a national campus clean energy campaign, working with their University administrations to switch campuses to clean energy, install renewable energy on-site, and increase energy efficiency.
1. Secure commitments from every Australian University to develop ambitious climate action plans with short and long-range targets and timetables for reducing climate pollution on campuses. 2. Educate, engage, empower and train a vast network of students to take ongoing action to stop climate change while in school and create a pipeline that guides students into summer internships, environmental careers and positive lifestyle choices upon graduation. 3. Target activities with the greatest potential to leverage broader political action and organise events and activities to impact the larger political debate.


Climate change is the biggest social and environmental issue of our generation. Climate change is already happening, and the impacts on human communities and ecosystems will be catastrophic. Australian students and youth are already taking steps to reduce the impact of our own campuses and communities on the global climate. We are running a national campus clean energy campaign, working with our University administrations to switch our campuses to clean energy, install renewable energy on-site, and increase energy efficiency. We are educating and empowering our fellow students, creating a new generation of educated young people taking action to protect our climate.

ASEN Clean Energy on Campus Campaign Objectives 2006
1. Secure commitments from every Australian University to develop ambitious climate action plans with short and long-range targets and timetables for reducing climate pollution on campuses.
2. Educate, engage, empower and train a vast network of students to take ongoing action to stop climate change while in school and create a pipeline that guides students into summer internships, environmental careers and positive lifestyle choices upon graduation.
3. Target activities with the greatest potential to leverage broader political action and organise events and activities to impact the larger political debate.

Campaign resources & links
• Download the ASEN Climate Change Broadsheet 2006
• Download the University Clean Energy Toolkit – How to Switch Your University to Clean Energy
• Download a flyer to switch your university to Clean Energy
• Download the successful proposal to switch Monash University to Clean Energy
• Download the proposal to switch Sydney University to Clean Energy
• Download an article about the Clean Energy Campaign
• Download a zine on climate refugees
• Download a flyer for polls with prospective students
• Check out ASEN kids on the road, cycling the perimeter of the continent as Pedal Australia for Clean Energy
• Visit the amazing campaign blog ‘Green Campus Now’ of the Sydney University Environment Collective here.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Clean Energy Campaign