Cash for Containers SANE Campaign

SCEC sees great potential for a Container Deposit Scheme on the Sunshine Coast, and is working with the Boomerang Alliance and other community groups on the Cash 4 Containers campaign to raise public awareness about litter pollution and the need for urgent action!
Implement a container deposit scheme


Queensland, beautiful one day, littered the next. Every minute, a staggering 15 thousand bottles and cans are littered or landfilled in Australia. Many of these end up in our waterways and eventually work their way into our oceans. Once in the water, the discarded plastic bottles leach toxic chemicals into our ecosystems as they break up into bite sized pieces, endangering our marine life, and ultimately, us. We love Queensland as the Sunshine State, but it’s also been named the most littered mainland state for the sixth consecutive year, with statistics revealing Queensland to have 40% more litter than any other state (Keep Australia Beautiful, National Litter Index). SCEC sees great potential for a Container Deposit Scheme on the Sunshine Coast, and is working with the Boomerang Alliance and other community groups on the Cash 4 Containers campaign to raise public awareness about litter pollution and the need for urgent action!

There is a solution.
The introduction of a Container Deposit Scheme in Queensland can really make a difference. By reducing litter and waste, and increasing recycling, we can keep millions of cans and bottles off our streets and beaches, while creating as many as 500 new jobs across the state.More than 40 similar systems are already established around the world. A 10 cent deposit scheme is in place in South Australia and over 85% of containers are recycled. If they can do it, so can we! So how does it work? Very simply.
1. A consumer pays an additional 10 cents on the price of a drink can or bottle.
2. After consumption, the consumer returns the can or bottle to a conveniently designated location site (reverse vending machine or depot).
3. The consumer gets 10 cents back for each can or bottle returned.
Alternatively, consumers can choose to give their cans and bottles to a local community group or charity, who can then take the containers to a collection point and claim the refund.

What about Queensland?
When elected in 2015, the Queensland Government promised to investigate a container deposit scheme for the state. The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) is now leading an investigation into state-based options in Queensland with an Advisory Group providing independent advice on the best options available. The Boomerang Alliance has presented a best-practice model for a container scheme in Queensland which will benefit both the economy and the environment. With a commitment from the NSW Government to implement a container deposit scheme in their state in 2017, now is the best time to put pressure on our Government and tell them that Queensland wants to join in the action. We’re taking action! SCEC is working with the Boomerang Alliance, Surfrider Foundation, Noosa Community Biosphere Association and other community groups to tell our politicians that QLD residents want a Container Deposit Scheme. Let the Sunshine Coast to lead the way!

Awareness day at Noosa Main Beach, 24 January 2016
We took to the beach in late January to raise public awareness on the impact of litter on our environment and promote the Cash for Containers scheme. We would like to thank the Boomerang Alliance for organising the event, as well as the Surfrider Foundation Sunshine Coast and the Noosa Community Biosphere Association for our combined effort on and leading up to the event. What a great start to a worthwhile cause!

What you can do:
The momentum is building and there are plenty of ways for the community to show their support.
– Support the Boomerang Alliance and sign the statement of support for Cash for Containers in QLD:
– Kick Coke out of the development process for a container deposit scheme in NSW and tell the NSW Government that Cash for Containers is the way to go by 26 February
– Tell our Minister for the Environment MP Steven Miles that you want a container deposit scheme in Queensland and mention Boomerang Alliance’s Cash for Containers scheme as the best option
– Hold a clean-up event and make some noise! Hashtag your updates with #cashforcontainers and let the world know that you are part of the solution.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Sunshine Coast Environment Council

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Queensland State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on ABC news 'The Victorian government plans to introduce container deposit legislation later this year, and roll out the scheme by 2023. It will be the last state or territory to have such a scheme.' Sourced 12/4/2022 from

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Cash for Containers SANE Campaign