
This campaign called on WA Premier Colin Barnett (and Labor Leader Mark McGowan) to follow through on a promise to propose Burrup Peninsula to be given World Heritage status. At the same time it calls for Barnett to relocate YARA’s TAN plant to the Maitland Industrial estate
Protected from the expansions of the offshore gas processing industry and given the World Heritage status they deserve


More coverage of the proposed World Heritage listing for Burrup – this time on The Age. “A trail of correspondence and public statements from Labor and Liberal politicians expressed commitments to list the area on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. Mr Barnett has repeatedly referred to the rock art as having “world significance”. In 2006 he said it was “absolutely inevitable” that the Burrup rock art would get World Heritage listing. In August last year he tweeted a video saying the site would become World Heritage listed at some stage.” Read the full story on TheAge.com.au here.

One of Australia’s most significant heritage sites – the Burrup Peninsula Aboriginal rock art in the state’s north west – could soon be given World Heritage status. WA Premier Colin Barnett, who was in the Pilbara region on Monday, is calling for the Burrup Peninsula to be the first cultural site in Australia to be nominated for UNESCO World Heritage status. “It is important this unique rock art is recognised nationally and internationally for its incredible cultural record of Aboriginal life at this location many thousands of years ago,” Mr Barnett said. “A World Heritage listing would complement the local Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation’s plans for cultural tourism opportunities and infrastructure, including the creation of a Living Knowledge Centre to conserve, protect and interpret cultural values and sites on the peninsula.” Read the full story on WAtoday.com.au here

The magnificent Aboriginal petroglyphs of the Burrup Peninsula are the oldest and largest gallery of Aboriginal rock art anywhere in the world and should be World Heritage Listed. These engravings are more than 40,000 years old and demonstrate continuous human habitation from before the last ice age until the massacres which occurred in 1868. The foundation welcomes Liberal Leader Colin Barnett’s promise to propose the area for world Heritage Listing if he is returned to Government. “We call on Labor leader Mark McGowan to match Colin Barnett’s promise”, Bob Brown Foundation spokesperson Christine Milne said today. “Colin Barnett has spoken long and often about World Heritage listing of the area but failed to act when he had the power to do so. Instead he has encouraged industrial development including YARA International’s Technical Ammonium Nitrate plant which will destroy the petroglyphs with acid rain and acid dust particles if is given an operating license.” “I call on Colin Barnett to get serious about protecting the area. Start with World Heritage Listing and at the same time, relocate YARA’s TAN plant to the Maitland Industrial estate.” “Labor can no longer ignore this precious cultural heritage site. I look forward to Labor Leader Mark McGowan stepping up and also agreeing to propose the area for immediate inclusion Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List, Christine Milner said. Media contact Christine Milne 0407 364 312. PS. Mark McGowan has said nothing.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Bob Brown Foundation

Who this Campaign is Targeting: WA Premier

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2018

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Statement of Farm Weekly 'TRADITIONAL owners leading the Murujuga Cultural Landscape World Heritage nomination process celebrated the tentative listing of the world's biggest concentration of rock with a special on-country ceremony at Murujuga National Park last month.'. Given this progress the campaign is assessed as partially successful to date. Sourced 12/4/2022 from https://www.farmweekly.com.au/story/6948860/world-recognition-for-murujuga/

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:

