Anti-nuclear Campaign

This campaign advocates against the development of the nuclear industry in Australia.


“If nuclear power is the answer…it must have been a very stupid question.” Professor Ian Lowe, President of the Australian Conservation Foundation

IMPORTANT: This site will not refer to waste from nuclear processing as DU (Depleted Uranium) but in a closer term to what it actually is, PW (Processing waste). The use of the term DU is an industry and government method of concealing the truth about what PW really is and the dangers involved in its use. By using the word depleted people are removed from the fact that PW is long term radioactive, extremely dangerous and contains, amongst other things, quantities of plutonium. PW is the waste from mining, processing and fusion. Currently PW is used in all traditionally lead based munitions by a number of countries, it is loaded by hand, used in countries world wide and even used in military exercises in Australia by our American allies. It has caused radioactive contamination in Iraq, Afghanistan and Serbia (and more) under the name “conventional warfare”. It’s use in weapons is in effect the use of dirty weapons and constitutes nuclear warfare.

Rudd Government election promises buried as they now support uranium mining. Geothermal not supported at all in the new budget and solar rebates are now inaccessible to most Australians. So much for Peter Garrett greening up Labour. It seem the nuclear industry didn’t have to put much effort in to buying out our new federal labour government. Labour even killed of the potential for alternate energy having an impact any time soon to strengthen the argument for nuclear power. Peter Florance, President CLEAN.

1. Foreword
2. A History of nuclear “Incidents”
3. Why would you dig it up?
4. Technology; it most certainly it is not!
5. Pay for your power twice, it’s only fair
6. Pay again with your life (and your families)
7. Good News
8. Links and references

Foreword : Peter “Flora” Florance, President of CLEAN – – – – – – – – Top ▲
I have my own stories of this subject and am never surprised at what this industry does. I am however continually surprised and what governments allow. In time it will be governments who are taken to the high courts for compensation as they licensed this industry and allowing it to kill and pollute without concern. This Industry lives by the same rules as the Asbestos industry did and will with luck suffer the same fate, the only question is how many have to die for it to happen. I spent 5 years in Darwin, finishing school and starting an apprenticeship as an Instrument Fitter. In my trade I worked with people from the Ranger Mine and were told many stories of events at the mine. Back then it was also known that the towns water supply was contaminated but in the manner of this industry, people were not informed of the actual dangers they faced. Today when we hear about leaks and are shocked but back in the 80’s I was told the tailings dams at Ranger flowed over every year with the tropical rains. Since it’s first years of operation Ranger has leaked tailings water into Kakadu National Park. Since then I have learned of some 120 repoleaks, miners showering in contaminated water and any number of other problems. I only wish more people had my background knowledge, because what I was told were horror stories to be remembered. Please read and consider then visit some of the links at the end of the page. For more information visit our Political Fiction and Nuclear pages in this site. Peter “Flora” Florance. Page Compiler and Antinuclear Campaigner for CLEAN.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Landcare Environment Action Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2008 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:


Anti-nuclear Campaign