Adopt a Politican

This AYCC campaign asked supporters to "adopt" their local candidates to teach them about the urgent need to act on climate change.
Open a visible channel between the candidates and youth


The Adopt A Politician campaign is going really strong. We can work together to get politicians from across the board to support climate friendly policies. The WA campaign launch was held recently and was a big success. The night included a Rich List question about who the top 20 carbon emitters are in the world – the closest anyone got was 14. How many do you think you could get (answers next week)? Elsewhere the WA group has been speaking at forums and conferences around the state, spreading the Adopt a Politician message and this week their heading to the Royal Show. So if you’re heading that way, look out for us.

In SA it’s all guns blazing. Our local coordinator Erin Riddell is doing a fantastic job. She has organised a number of cool events including the opportunity to go political speed dating with local SA politicians! The Adelaide launch is also happening soon, details will be available on the website. The NSW campaign is also going full steam ahead. Stella Solar is making sure that Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull is hearing the views of young people through her awesome work in his Wentworth electorate. Meanwhile in the seat of Lindsay, Emma Wasson is pushing to get your views heard. The AYCC is active across the rest of the country, pushing to change the inaction on climate change. Whilst we need your help we’re not the only ones. The politicians need help too, all the help they can get. So go on, give them a hand and adopt a politician today.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal politicians

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2011

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Adopt a Politican