ACT Election 2016 Climate Campaign

This campaign focussed on getting candidates in the 2016 ACT election to commit to strong climate policy. "Get involved in the campaign to show our candidates that we want bold action on climate change that aligns with the science."
Have ACT election candidates commit to bold climate action policies.


Canberra, let’s keep leading the world on climate action. Canberra cares about climate change. We are leading the world with strong climate targets and we want to keep it that way. This election, let’s show our candidates that we want bold action on climate change that aligns with the science.

Join the campaign
Whether you want to share the campaign on social media or become active in your community there are plenty of ways to get involved in the campaign.
• Read the background information below about climate action in Canberra.
• Share the campaign on social media
• Attend (and promote) the Climate and Environment Candidate Forum, Thursday 29 September. RSVP here, and invite your friends on Facebook.
• Contact your candidates
• Write a letter to the editor about climate action in Canberra (more info coming soon)
• Want to get more active in the community? Sign up to join the campaign team. A 350 Canberra member will be in touch to talk about how you can be more involved.

About climate action in Canberra
Canberra is leading the world on action and taking the politics out of climate change. We are one of the only places in the world to have cross-partisan support for strong climate action. The ACT Government has stronger targets than anywhere else in Australia, and most of the world, including:
• 100% renewable energy by 2020
• 40% reduction in emissions (on 1990 levels) by 2020
• zero net emissions by 2050
• divestment from fossil fuel companies

These targets, or stronger, are supported by all the major political parties (Greens, Labor, Liberals), and Canberra citizens alike – in 2016 90% of Canberrans agree that climate change is a problem, and 80% believe the ACT Government needs to act urgently. The ACT Government has already acted to achieve the 2020 targets. Earlier this year, as part of Action Plan 2, Environment Minister Simon Corbell signed the contracts for 100% renewable electricity. This secures a 40% emissions reduction by 2020 for the ACT. We celebrate that Canberra is well along the path to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. We need to do this for the planet, ourselves and a safe climate future for all. We commend the world leading targets of the ACT and the cross partisan support for them. But reports suggest they are still not enough (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). We need bolder targets that align with the science of climate change. We also need to have a plan for how to achieve these targets post 2020. We need action, not words. If anywhere can do it, Canberra can.

Candidate Asks
So we’re asking the ACT candidates and parties in the lead up to the ACT election:
• Do you support bold action on climate change that aligns with the science?
• Will you take the politics out of climate change and work with all parties to get Canberra to zero net emissions ASAP?
• What would you do within 100 days of forming Government to set the path for delivering strong action on climate change and meeting the targets you’ve set?
• How will you ensure creative community driven consultation in 2017 to develop a plan for how we get to zero emissions ASAP?
• Will you amend legislation to include regular reviews of our targets with community consultation?

How to join the campaign
Get involved and show your candidates that Canberra cares about climate change. There are plenty of ways you can help out whether you can share on social media, or want to get out and about in the community.
• Share the campaign on social media
• Attend (and promote) the Climate and Environment Candidate Forum, Thursday 29 September. RSVP here, and invite your friends on Facebook.
• Contact your candidates
• Write a letter to the editor about climate action in Canberra (more info coming soon)
• Want to get more active in the community? Sign up to join the campaign team. A 350 Canberra member will be in touch to talk about how you can be more involved.

Canberra, let’s keep leading the world on climate action!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Canberra

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: ACT 2016 election candidates

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2016

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: It is unclear how many people joined the campaign.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


ACT Election 2016 Climate Campaign