2021: Net Zero by 2050 – 100 Days of Action

This campaign was held in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow, Citizen's Climate Lobby held 100 days of action calling for: A bipartisan and federally legislated target of Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (and preferably sooner), with a clearly documented process for achieving it presented by the Government at the Conference.
Every voice is needed


In less than 100 days, world leaders will gather in Glasgow for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26). When these leaders meet from 1 November, their ultimate aim is to secure net zero emissions globally by mid-century and keep warming of no more than 1.5 degrees within reach. This is Australia’s golden opportunity to take firm and definitive action for our future. We are one of the few developed economies yet to publicly commit to net zero emissions by 2050 let alone legislate a process to achieve it. Join Citizens’ Climate Lobby Australia’s 100 Days of Action and help us to secure: A bipartisan and federally legislated target of Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (and preferably sooner), with a clearly documented process for achieving it presented by the Government at the Conference.

The Net Zero by 2050 – 100 Days of Action Campaign is a great opportunity for you to get involved and help build momentum to achieve this important goal. There may not be a better time to influence Australia’s climate policies. Over the course of the 100 Days of Action we are rolling out a range of actions, events and resources to help you get involved – because every voice is needed!

Take your first action here and…
• Sign our petition now
• Fact Sheet #1 – Why ask for net zero emissions by 2050?
• Read our ‘100 Days of Action’ Media Release.
• To stay in touch with the Campaign, make sure you join Citizens’ Climate Lobby to receive updates. (There’s no fee to join and it’s up to you how you choose to participate.) We look forward to welcoming you.
• In the meantime, you can read more about the importance of Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Citizens Climate Lobby Australia

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2021 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on website, a range of achievements were gained during the 100 days: 'Thanks for your actions! 15 November 2021. The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) has now concluded and so has our Net Zero by 2050 – 100 Days of Action campaign. Thank you to all our supporters for the literally thousands of actions taken with parliamentarians, in the media and with your family friends and communities. Your actions counted! On Day 1 of the Conference the Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered in person Australia’s commitment to achieve net zero 2050. Whilst a significant step forward and a key objective of our 100 Days of Action campaign, the 2050 commitment remains unlegislated and the process for achieving it remains unclear. Many are calling COP26 ‘a step forward’ that keeps limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees as a possibility rather than a probability. The Glasgow Climate Pact – agreed to by all 197 countries – calls for urgent action this decade in order to ‘keep 1.5 degrees alive’. For Australia this will include setting more ambitious interim targets towards 2050. Stay tuned as we finalise our lobbying strategy in the lead up to the 2022 Federal election and beyond. Look what we achieved! 2,000 petition signings: We had almost 2,000 petition signings and 1202 mostly personalised emails to MPs and Senators over the period. The petition signatures were delivered to both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister’s office. 200 letters to the editor: In addition, 200 letters to the editor were published across the country. These are 2 examples: Daily Telegraph, 30th September 2021 The Advocate, 26th September 2021 60 calls to MP’s offices: We made more than 60 calls to the offices of MPs and Senators (there were probably more). They were often inspired, like Kristina’s, by Simone’s instructive video: ‘…the video of the CCL member making a call to their local MP gave me the courage to do the same. On the back of that, I’ve already called and emailed …today.’ 12 meetings with MPs (and counting): Importantly, we’ve also held more than 12 meetings with strategic MPs or their staff and more are planned for this month. These meetings will continue to be our most effective tool in prosecuting CCL’s strategy. Our respectful, bipartisan approach is opening doors for us. Here’s what Josephine had to say after her first meeting with her MP: “Sitting in on my first lobby meeting… was a great learning experience. Having the opportunity to take part alongside more experienced CCL lobbyists in such a constructive meeting… really highlighted to me the positive impact that CCL can and is having.” CCLA’s largest national conference: Our 2021 National Conference: Be a Hero for Net Zero was our largest ever with more than 110 participants. You can watch our keynote speakers Zali Steggall MP, Professor Will Steffen and Dylan Storer here. Read our fact sheets Our Campaign Fact Sheets are still useful background. Read here: Why ask for net zero emissions by 2050? Sticking Points for Policymakers on Committing to NZE2050 What Are the Major Impacts of Global Warming? Meeting with Your MP Writing a letter COP26: The Issues and the Latest Pledges (sourced 10/4/2023 from Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/web/20220527065942/https://au.citizensclimatelobby.org/campaigns/100-days-of-action/)'

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


2021: Net Zero by 2050 – 100 Days of Action