2008 BREAZE Forum

In 2008 BREAZE ran a campaign to organise a Ballarat Regional Forum on Climate Change
Not stated


2008 Ballarat Regional Forum on Climate Change. Ballarat Regional Forum on Climate Change – April 12, 2008

Presentations and Documents available for download
• Professor David Karoly, A global view of climate change David Karoly, Univ of Melbourne, Based on the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change available at www.ipcc.ch (2.18 MB)
• Dave Watson, University of Ballarat – National Centre for Sustainability, What are Ballarat businesses doing? 189.69 KB)
• Dr. Tim Fletcherpdf icon, Monash University, Institute for Sustainable Water Resources, Water for Ballarat in a Changing Climate, What can we do to help ourselves and the environment also?,(3.06 MB)
• Barney Foran, Visiting Fellow at the Fenner School of environment and Society at the ANU, Canberra, Ballarat’s Greenhouse Options, More than just light bulbs,(853.72 KB)
• Professor Rod Keenan, University of Melbourne, Forests, carbon and climate change, School of Forest and Ecosystem Science, (2.02 MB)

Summary of Audience Feedback, Ballarat Regional Forum on Climate Change – 12 April 2008 (30.72 KB)

The Climate Forum podcasts of David Karoly, Tim Fletcher and Barney Foran can now be found at abc.net.au/ballarat (try Explore then Environment, then Climate Change) and huge thanks to Jarrod Watt at ABC Regional for the work that this entailed. Direct links to each article and related podcasts:
On the ABC site, these download icons are at the botom of a panel headed “Related Media” – you may need to scroll down within this panel to find the Podcast icon.
• ABC Radio interview and panel discussion
• Professor David Karoly: the global perspective on climate change
• Ballarat could be its own water catchment: Dr Tim Fletcher
• Barney Foran and alternative energy solutions
The Courier – coverage of the Climate Forum
Go to the Media Archives to find newspaper articles about the forum.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2008 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:


2008 BREAZE Forum