100% Renewable Energy

100% Renewable is a campaign designed to unite people in communities all over Australia in their call for an urgent transition to 100% clean, renewable energy.
Make the switch to 100% clean renewable energy,


An exciting new grassroots campaign is set to launch nationally on May 2nd, and BREAZE is one of 65 groups (and numbers are growing!) to throw its weight behind this great initiative! Collaborating with a network of volunteers across the country, BREAZEr Andrew Bray has been contributing to the advocacy stream of the campaign, while Mel Woolcock has been head down bum up creating a (very Aussie) brand and promotional material. So supportive is BREAZE of this new campaign, that Mel is now being employed an extra day per week as a campaign coordinator to help get this clean, green beast off to a running start.

So what’s the campaign all about?
100% Renewable is a campaign designed to unite people in communities all over Australia in their call for an urgent transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. Australia faces a choice: we can continue our dependence on fossil fuels, mining and burning coal, polluting our air and water, damaging our farmland and health, and creating an unstable climate for all, or we can make the switch to 100% clean renewable energy, which will create new opportunities, new industry and new jobs. In Austraia we have the natural advantages of sun, wind and wave – we don’t want to be left behind the rest of the world – we want to be a clean energy leader!

From Ballarat to Bondi, Canberra to Cairns, climate action groups are joining together in a truly community owned and organised campaign to create a groundswell of support for 100% renewable energy, new jobs, and safe climate future! One by one we will get every politician in Australia behind our vision to ensure we make 100% clean renewable energy a reality. 100% renewable is 100% possible. But we need your support.

So how can you support the campaign for 100% renewable energy?
Easily. On Sunday May 2nd, rock on up to the the Ballarat Train Station – we will be taking our launch photo at 2.30pm at the front entrance of the iconic Ballarat Railway Station building. Kit up in your BREAZE blue, or, you may wish to colour coordinate with the Campaign’s green and gold scheme. Bring along a banner or placard that shows you support renewable energy! If you think 100% renewable energy is 100% necessary, be sure to take part in our launch photo.
• WHEN: Sunday, 2nd May @ 2.30pm sharp
• WHERE: Ballarat Train Station (main entrance)
• FURTHER INFO: Call Mel on 5329 1730 or email [email protected]
• WEB: http://100percent.org.au/

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2010 to 2016

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:


100% Renewable Energy