100% Recycled Paper on Campus

In 2006, we are campaigning toward having our universities commit to purchasing 100% post-consumer recycled paper by the end of 2007 in course materials and readers, university departmental purchasing, photocopiers and printers located on campus, and toilet paper in university toilets.
Have our universities commit to purchasing 100% post-consumer recycled paper by the end of 2007 in course materials and readers, university departmental purchasing, photocopiers and printers located on campus, and toilet paper in university toilets.


100% Recycled Paper on Campus. The Paper Working Group is appalled at the destruction of the world’s and Australia’s old growth, native and high conservation value forest. As students we know universities and our education have a massive environmental impact, not least because of excessive paper use. We feel Universities must lead the way to a more sustainable future and commit to reducing paper use and purchasing 100% post-consumer recycled paper.

In 2006, we are campaigning toward having our universities commit to purchasing 100% post-consumer recycled paper by the end of 2007 in course materials and readers, university departmental purchasing, photocopiers and printers located on campus, and toilet paper in university toilets. We also aim to share resources between groups members, support each other in our campaign and provide a valuable networking point. In addition, we are building a national non violent direct action movement against companies which are engaged in or profit from the woodchipping of our native forests (under any definition by which we choose to define native forests!) And finally, have our universities commit to improving recycling facilities on campus, with specific goals to be set by individual campuses. Contact: Claire McCall ( 0412 656 017 / [email protected] )

Campaign resources & links
• Download a petition to switch your school or university to 100% post-consumer recycled paper
• Click here to download RMIT Environment Collective’s Recycled Paper Purchasing Proposal
• Click here to download Melbourne Uni Environment Collective’s successful submission to purchase 80% recycled content toilet paper
• Download a proforma letter to get a meeting with your Vice Chancellor / Head of School.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Universities

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


100% Recycled Paper on Campus