Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action are a group of bushfire survivors, firefighters and members of fire-affected communities doing everything we can can to help Australia make progress tackling the climate crisis.


We are a group of bushfire survivors, firefighters and members of fire-affected communities doing everything we can can to help Australia make progress tackling the climate crisis. If you’ve been affected by the bushfires, we’d love to hear from you.

We have come together to call for an end to carbon pollution.
Bushfire Survivors win landmark case against NSW Environment Protection Authority: With the support of the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO), BSCA sought to compel the NSW EPA to develop policies that measure and regulate greenhouse gasses in the state. As part of the case, BSCA presented expert scientific evidence from former Australian Chief Scientist, Professor Penny Sackett, on the links between bushfires and climate change.

– Reducing the cost: Climate change is making bushfire more frequent and more deadly. More homes and families are under threat than ever before. Australia needs to reduce its carbon pollution to help reduce this risk and cost of future fires.
– Stories of survival: We are bushfire survivors, firefighters and local councillors who have joined together to demand the Government take immediate action on climate change. These are our stories.
– Preparing for the future: We lost our homes and our communities to bushfires. We are working hard to rebuild, and we want the rest of Australia to do the same. A zero-emission future will reduce the risk and the cost of future disasters.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

Facebook: Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

X: Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

Instagram: Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action