Basin Sustainability Alliance

BSA was established in early 2010 to represent landholder, community groups and individuals with serious concerns about the unrestrained development of the coal seam gas industry across Queensland.


BSA was established in early 2010 to represent landholder, community groups and individuals with serious concerns about the unrestrained development of the coal seam gas industry across Queensland and the associated environmental, health and social impacts.

The objectives of the association are –
To provide a conduit between stakeholders (including individual landholders, landholder groups, businesses, communities, interested citizens, towns, local authorities, mining, petroleum and gas companies, regulators, administrators and government) to discuss, share and disseminate information about mining and petroleum activities (such expression including but not limited to the extraction of coal seam gas, underground coal gasification, coal to liquid and any like activities with the potential to adversely impact on farmers, graziers, towns or other rural interests) throughout the Great Artesian Basin from a Queensland perspective.
To encourage and promote the fair and proper legislative and administrative processes to enforce the orderly and sustainable planning, development and regulation of mining, oil, gas and other extractive industries with the potential to impact on the Great Artesian Basin and the farming and rural sector generally in both Queensland and Australia.
To work towards the sustainable management of rural land and water resources for future generations throughout the Great Artesian Basin from a national perspective.
To protect and/or enhance the entitlement to existing quantities and qualities of water of rural interests (including landowners, towns and communities) under existing state legislation, incidental to mining and petroleum activity impacts throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To protect the Murray Darling Basin and rural lands and interests generally throughout the Great Artesian Basin from the adverse impact of salt, mineral and other contamination or other adverse impacts as a result of mining and petroleum activity.
To protect and enhance the natural environment from adverse impacts from mining and petroleum activities throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To work with government bodies and representatives and others as necessary to ensure timely, independent, transparent, legislated processes are implemented to facilitate planning monitoring and recording of the impact of mining/petroleum activity impact on rural interests throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To work with government to ensure appropriate legislation is in place to respond to evidence or reasonable anticipation of significant impact on ground and surface water resources throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To promote corporate best practise, social and sustainability responsibility for mining and petroleum companies operating throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To develop and promote fair and reasonable compensation for landholders adversely impacted by mining and petroleum activities throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To inform and educate Australians of the natural resources, importance of long-term sustainability of such resources and the likely impacts from mining and petroleum activities throughout the Great Artesian Basin.
To preserve the rural lifestyle, the existing rural social fabric and contribution of farming families to Australian society.

View our factsheet for a general overview of BSA> or View our factsheet on BSA’s role and objectives.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Basin Sustainability Alliance

Facebook: Basin Sustainability Alliance

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