Australian Youth for International Climate Engagement Incorporated (AYFICE) is a youth-led organisation aiming to bring more young Australian voices into international climate discussions. We seek to amplify diverse voices, oarticularly First Nation’s youth and frontline communities, and ensure younger generations are heard in these spaces.
AYFICE was formed in 2020, following the UNFCCC COP25 in Madrid in 2019, as a result of the need to bridge the gap between young people interested in international climate negotiations, and the official government delegation, particuarly from the Department of Foriegn Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Over 40 different young Australians attended COP25 in different roles; as students, researchers, activists, educators, lawyers, journalists, scientists, negotiators and experts. The Working Group was formed to build networks and communication channels; share opportunities, build capacity; raise up Australian youth voices; and explore possible options for more formalized youth representation in official Australian engagement with the multilateral climate space. For many young people, attending COP for the first time is challenging; it is a complex space even for those who have been attending for many years. The Working Group serves to coordinate and bring together these young people to share learnings and perspectives, and provide ongoing connection and communication between the official Australian delegation and young Australians engaged in international climate discussions. The Working Group also strives to help translate what happens in these spaces to young Australians who do not have the opportunity to attend a COP, to ensure that they are still a part of these discussions.