Australian Religious Response to Climate Change Victoria

The Victorian branch of ARRCC, a multi-faith, member-based organisation of people from around Australia who are committed to taking action on climate change. They bring together representatives from all the major faith traditions to work together in addressing climate change.


ARRCC’s mission is twofold:
1) to promote ethical, environmentally sustainable, healthy and contented lifestyles which respect the Earth’s precious natural resources, and
2) to advocate, from a faith perspective, for public policies which contribute to climate justice.

ARRCC is a member-based organisation, with both individual and organisational members. The work of ARRCC is guided by the management committee, composed of members from a range of traditions to reflect with integrity the interfaith nature of the organisation. The committee has consisted variously of members from the Hindu tradition, Jewish, Moslem, Uniting Church, Anglican, Catholic and Baha’i traditions and other spiritual backgrounds.

ARRCC runs a number of campaigns that people of faith can get involved in. For details see In addition, ARRCC-V runs events that are specific to Victoria. Details of these can be found in the discussion and events pages.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Australian Religious Response to Climate Change


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Facebook: Australian Religious Response to Climate Change Victoria