ACF Community Prom Area Climate Action (PACA) is an independently organised, volunteer-run group representing the Prom Area and is part of the Australian Conservation Foundation Community Group network. This group is for people in the Prom Area who care about climate, nature and wildlife, to connect and share information. Please abide by the ACF Community Principles (at Do not use this group for any communication of a partisan nature or condoning or promoting illegal activity or communications unaligned with ACF’s National Agenda or our Group’s local activities. (this text is copied from the group’s Facebook page)>
Text from their website:
We’re people from all walks of life who have one thing in common: a deep concern for what is unfolding around the globe and in the beautiful spaces around us. We are aware of the science that should guide us and we seek to learn more from the group’s collective wisdom. Supported by Australia’s most trusted environmental organisation, the Australia Conservation Foundation, we meet regularly and engage in as many activities as we can manage to change our climate for the better and prevent the extinction of not only ourselves but the fascinating creatures that live with us. PACA was created in November 2017 by two local ACF members Jo Wainer and Sue Quinn and the group now has many people who want to be an active part of the group or simply receive updates to stay across what’s happening. We are optimistic, we are creative, and we are very determined.WHAT WE DOWe speak up, show up and stand firm.It’s not always an easy gig, this climate action thing. It can seem like there’s a mountain to climb at every turn. The good news is that we tend to enjoy bushwalking up mountains.
One of the most effective ways to create positive change is simply to get together and talk. We gather together every month (currently online) to find new ways to shift our way of life to benefit the environment. South Gippsland will be one of the last remaining areas on the mainland with reasonable rainfall as the climate warms up – but there are of course still real concerns for our area. Read the Climate Council’s report for our region here and also by the Victorian Government here.
We need to preserve and increase bush habitats to help our precious native wildlife maintain sufficient populations to remain viable – and find ways to get the message across to drivers travelling along our roads to slow down to reduce roadkill. We need to stay alert to any proposals that might threaten the environment (such as onshore gas development) and use our political voice to pressure our governments at all levels to do the right thing and move away from relying on carbon emitting industries – and ensure that the transition is a fair one for those who will be affected. Our Just Transitions sub group focuses on this important issue. It will take efforts by all of us in all sorts of ways to make a difference.Staying connected even during a pandemic is the key. Tuesday night is ACF PACA night – you can join us for a PACA group meeting, get wise watching a PACA webinar, or see what’s happening on a national level by joining an ACF Community webinar. Our core group meets monthly too, to steer PACA’s direction.Have a read through the Projects to see what fires you up – then join us to do your part in saving this beautiful planet.