Stop CSG!

Stop coal seam gas fracking: protect our waterways
Stop coal seam gas fracking: protect our waterways


The National Toxics Network (NTN) is a community network working to ensure a toxic-free future for all. NTN was formed in 1993 and has grown as a national network giving a voice to community and environmental organisations across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. We’ve been successful in many areas of toxic chemical reduction including hazardous wastes, pesticides, chemicals in products, air and water pollution.
Key areas:
– Stop coal seam gas fracking: protect our waterways
– Healthy children: reducing the body burden of chemicals Clean food: no pesticide residues or GMOs
– Toxic-free living: removing toxic chemicals in everyday products Community engagement: ensuring your voice is heard equally

NTN committee members are involved in a range of national advisory bodies including the Hazardous Waste Reference Group, the Stockholm Stakeholders Reference Group, the National Industrial Chemicals Notification Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) Community Engagement Forum and Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority committees. We also participate in related technical advisory panels and international forums such. NTN is the Australian focal point for the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN).
– Are donations tax deductible? Yes
– Will I receive a receipt for my donation? Yes, immediately sent to you by email when approved.
– Donate to Toxic-free future Fund

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stop CSG!