Say YES campaign

The national Say YES campaign aims to spread the appreciation of what renewable energy technologies can do and to measure public support for clean energy.


In April 2011, CCBR signed up to engage in the national Say YES campaign. This included a national series of conversations with members of the public on renewable energy. The aim of this series was both to spread the appreciation of what renewable energy technologies can do and to measure public support for clean energy. It culminated with a doorknock on May 28th and a rally in Prince Alfred Park on World Environment Day in June.
86% said the Government could be doing more.
94.5% said the Government should be supporting investment in renewables.
82% said the Government should be developing a plan to get us to 100% renewable energy.
79% said that the Government should put a price tag on pollution.

As well as feeding the results into the national tally, CCBR presented both the national and local results to Tanya Plibersek, the Federal Member for Sydney. We are pleased to report that Tanya readily agreed to our requests:
to support the use of revenue raised from a carbon price to boost investment and growth in the renewable energy sector;
to tell the Climate Change Minister, Greg Combet, about the overwhelming support that exists in her electorate;

But she needs all the support she can get. So we are letterboxing 16000 households in her electorate, asking people to let her know they support her push for more renewables.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Change Balmain Rozelle

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2013 to 2017

Campaign Outcome:


Say YES campaign