Voices for the Murray-Darling

A campaign “Voices for the Murray-Darling” which is calling for the development of a plan for the Murray Darling Basin to revive the wetlands and rivers, with environmental flows based on credible science.
Development of a plan for the Murray Darling Basin


27 June 2011: Health groups call for healthy Murray Darling

The Climate and Health Alliance, together with other non government organisations and charities, has launched a campaign “Voices for the Murray-Darling” which is calling for the development of a plan for the Murray Darling Basin to revive the wetlands and rivers, with environmental flows based on credible science. “We recognise that the health of the population ultimately depends on a healthy ecosystem. We cannot continue to degrade our ecosystems and expect no adverse consequences for human health and wellbeing,” CAHA Convenor Fiona Armstrong said. The national coalition of health groups, the Climate and Health Alliance has today joined with other groups in calling for the restoration of environmental flows to the Murray Darling to restore health to the failing river system.

“We recognise that the health of the population ultimately depends on a healthy ecosystem. We cannot continue to degrade our ecosystems and expect no adverse consequences for human health and wellbeing,” CAHA Convenor Fiona Armstrong said. Together with other non government organisations and charities, the Climate and Health Alliance is part of the campaign “Voices for the Murray-Darling” which is calling for the development of a plan for the Murray Darling Basin to revive the wetlands and rivers,with environmental flows based on credible science.

“We acknowledge there will be changes in the use of the water. Communities must be assisted to adapt to sustainable water use, and a process undertaken to support the establishment of secure economic futures for affected communities. “But we cannot continue to delay in developing these solutions, and we must move away from the rhetoric that the restoration of environmental flows is damaging. The health of the community (and the economy) is entirely dependent on the ecosystem, not the other way round.” “The long term health of the Murray Darling has important implications for human health. This must be considered in the development of a sustainable national plan for wateruse.”

Voices for the Murray-Darling can be found at www.lifeblood.org.au The Climate and Health Alliance is a coalition of health care stakeholders established in 2010 to advocate for policy action to reduce the risks to human health from climate change and environmental degradation.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate and Health Alliance

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2011 to 2022

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: While there is already a plan for the Murray Darling Basin recent reports highlight its shortcomings. It is also not clear whether this campaign argues for the development of a new plan, or additions into the existing plan. Given the lack of clarity and lack of evidence regarding whether any aspects of the campaign have been incorporated into the existing plan this campaign is so far considered unsuccessful

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Voices for the Murray-Darling