
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


This campaign targeted Prime Minister Turnbull to enforce the Murray-Darling Basin Plan against "rogue irrigators and their political backers"
This is ACF's part of the broader Stop Adani campaign. ACF challenged the federal government’s approval of the Carmichael coal mine in court
Successful [1996-2001] campaign to preserve the Mullum Mullum Valley bushland
In 2014 Moreland City Council and MEFL developed Moreland’s Zero Carbon Evolution strategy to get our city on track for a zero carbon future.
The Victorian Climate Change Act 2017 required the Andrews government to prepare the state's first Climate Change Strategy by 31 October 2020. That's why Friends of the Earth's Act on Climate collective launched this project to create a People's Climate Strategy for Victoria. Through the campaign they aimed to deliver the People's Climate Strategy to every member of parliament.