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Want to keep up to date with the Movement Monitor project and different ideas and research about measuring social movements? Subscribe to Movement Monitor News for regular updates.


Participate in the Australian Climate Movement Skills Audit

Participate in the Australian Climate Movement Skills Audit

Help us find out more about the skills within the Australian climate movement by participating in our skills audit! This survey is open to anyone involved in the Australian climate movement, whether a paid worker or volunteer.

2023: The Year in Climate Activism

2023: The Year in Climate Activism

2023 was a big year for the Australian climate movement. Refresh your memory on some of the major milestones, achievements and events that defined our year in activism. 

Apply for the Movement Monitor Fellowship

Apply for the Movement Monitor Fellowship

The Fellowship will provide support to two Fellows to research and each produce two Commons resources (article, podcast, video or similar) related to the Australian climate movement over a period of 12 weeks.

Measuring impact with three social movement strategists

Measuring impact with three social movement strategists

Holly Hammond, Director of Movement Monitor and the Commons Library, recently spoke to three strategists and evaluators – Danny Hutley, Amanda Tattersall and Tony Mohr – about how we measure impact in social movements.

Welcome to Movement Monitor

Welcome to Movement Monitor

What do you picture when you think about the Australian climate movement? Is it the most recent protest you took part in? A creative action you just saw on the news? Perhaps it’s the group members you meet with once a week in your local community space? But what if...

Movement Monitor: Methodology Overview

Movement Monitor: Methodology Overview

What is it? Movement Monitor is a two year project that will develop a comprehensive movement measurement methodology and apply it to the Australian climate movement. The project is run by researchers at the Commons Library with input from academics, international...