First Nations people and People of Colour active in the Australian climate movement are invited to participate in focus groups this October 2024.

The focus groups will be conducted by Neha Madhok (Co-Founder and Former CEO of Democracy in Colour) as part of the Commons Library’s Movement Monitor research project.

To take part please complete the Expression of Interest form by 30 September 2024.

What’s the research for?

The research will build on the powerful insights shared at the 2022 Climate Justice Gathering and the 2023 Climate Movement Culture Survey. Our goal is to deeply understand the systemic barriers, challenges, and successes experienced by PoC and First Nations peoples in the climate movement, and to turn these insights into actionable change.

This project is driven by trust, solidarity, and the knowledge that our communities already possess the power to lead.

These focus groups will help to build an understanding of the experience of First Nations people and People of Colour in the Australian climate movement. The findings will be shared with the climate movement to help inform improvements in culture and practices.

Why is this important?

We know that systemic racism and exclusion continue to hinder the movement. But we also know that the strength, resilience, and leadership within our communities are the keys to transforming the climate movement into one that works for all of us.

What will participation involve?

Focus groups will be held via Zoom and will last 90 minutes. The groups will cover topics such as:

  • Representation, inclusion and intersectionality
  • Impacts of racism and discrimination
  • Collaboration, conflict resolution, and solidarity
  • Navigating barriers and finding solutions


All information collected during the focus groups will be kept confidential. The focus groups will be audio-recorded and transcribed. To ensure anonymity, your name and any other identifying details will be removed from the transcripts. The anonymised data will be used to produce a report.

Voluntary participation

Participation in these focus groups is entirely voluntary. If you do take part and then change your mind, you can contact Sophie on [email protected] to withdraw your contributions.


In the Expression of Interest form you’ll be asked your consent to participate.

How to participate

Complete the Expression of Interest form and indicate your availability. Based on all the responses we receive you may be allocated to a particular session. We will be in touch with all people who are selected to participate.


After participating in the focus group you will be sent a $50 digital Visa card as thanks for your time. If you would prefer not to receive payment let us know.

Contact information

If you have any questions or need more information about the interviews, please contact Neha Madhok: [email protected]
or Sophie Hartley: [email protected].

Dark blue square social media tile. Featuring an image of a person with short black hair and round glasses, wearing a tan coloured blazer over a light pink button-up shirt. The image is cropped to the waist and has a golden outline. Text on the tile reads: Meet your Anti-Racism in the Climate Movement Researcher
"Climate justice sits at the intersection of so many critical issues - racial justice, economic justice, and social equity. As someone who has worked in the racial justice space, l've seen firsthand how the communities most impacted by climate change-First Nations people, People of Colour and everyday working people-are often the least represented in decision-making spaces."
Neha Madhok
Anti-Racism in the Climate Movement
Focus Groups Researcher