
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Through this campaign students, staff and alumni are calling on UNSW to divest from fossil fuels
The Climate Protection Bill, drafted by Climate Action Coogee members between February and May 2007 and now endorsed by climate action groups and individuals around Australia, sets out 19 points to start phasing out fossil fuels and turning to sustainable, carbon-neutral alternatives, and redesign cities and lifestyles so ecological sustainability is central.
Affiliated with Uni Students for Climate Justice. Based in NSW. The climate crisis has already begun. In Australia, massive infernos threaten the environment, species, homes and lives. Join Uni Students for Climate Justice to fight for climate action!
Phillip Bay branch of the Sustainability Street appraoch.
Action Group organising from Maroubra to Little Bay, ensuring that Adani never digs up any coal in Australia. Part of the Stop Adani movement.