
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


The Margaret River Regional Environment Centre has been developed to promote the values of conservation and awareness of our local environment in particular and of the world environment in general.
Started in March 2009, we provide information and education to group members and local residents through newsletters, stalls, petitions, letters to local newspapers, contacting local politicians, and talks to schools and community organisations.
We work strategically with the Community to Prevent Coal Seam Gas Drilling in our Valley and Preserve the Agrarian Amenity of the Manning Valley for Future Generations.
We are an ncorporated body with a Management Committee that meets fairly regularly and tries to be responsive to local opportunities (ie recet “Get-Up” relay).
Lock the Gate Mid North Coast works to highlight the risks of mineral mining in our coastal water catchments. We engage in networking for national water protection and advocate for urgent climate action in Australia.