
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Friends of the Earth actively seeks to work collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on campaigns, and notes the inseparable nature of environmental considerations from social issues, and this extends to the social, cultural, political and historical context of Australian Indigenous people.
Friends of the Earth campaigns resist the destruction of sacred land, habitat, natural wonders, and transform our society to one that lives in harmony with the land as well ensuring that life giving water is treated with the value it deserves.
Fight for the Reef is a partnership between the Australian Marine Conservation Society and WWF-Australia. We’re working with people who love the Reef along the Queensland coast, across Australia and all over the world - who all want to see it protected. The Fight for the Reef campaign has helped to: Secure a ban on capital dredge spoil dumping in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Protect untouched parts of the Reef coast from new port developments, Stop three mega coal port expansions, Ensure the World Heritage Committee keeps the Australian Government ‘on probation’ until Reef health improves.
This campaign focuses on how to vote for Forests and Climate ahead of the 2019 federal election.
Through this campaign students, staff and alumni are calling on UNSW to divest from fossil fuels