
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Over the last five years the Port Augusta community has strongly advocated for solar thermal to replace its old coal fired power station. But we need leadership from the South Australian Government to make it happen. Will you email your State Government MP and Members of the Legislative Council and tell them to make solar thermal in Port Augusta the next step in SA's renewable revolution?
Much of the landscapes and diversity of life in the Great Australian Bight is unknown to the world. It is Sea Shepherd’s aim to showcase what we would all lose if BP were allowed to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight and had another Gulf of Mexico, Deep Water Horizon oil spill of lesser or equal value.
Congratulations to all those communities who have participated in this community-driven survey. This great example of grass-roots democracy. 38 Limestone Coast communities road surveyed now! An average of 95% of people in these communities have said YES to being Industrial Gasfield and Inv Mining Free communities.
This is Friends of the Earth Adelaide's general climate campaign.
This campaign targeted SA premier Jay Weatherill around nuclear waste dumps in SA.