
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


TweedCAN has facilitated the installation of 1000’s solar panels, encouraged Divestment, provided information, written submissions to government reports and driven lasting community initiatives in sustainability and resilience
Carrotmob Hobart is a campaign to collectively support local food retailers who switch away from plastic takeaway packaging to compostable options.
SSEC has been campaigning for a shared path between Sutherland and Cronulla since 2006. We originally suggested that the path be constructed as part of the Cronulla Rail Duplication project.
Surfrider Foundation Surf Coast Branch volunteers are supporting local community group Plastic Bag Free Torquay to tackle the issue of plastic pollution in Torquay through their assistance with the implementation of a bag share initiative called Boomerang Bags.
Surfrider Foundation Hunter Region Branch volunteers are engaging with local Newcastle businesses through the Responsible Cafes program, which connects responsible cafes with conscious consumers by encouraging cafes to offer a discount to customers with reusable takeaway cups.