
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Since the turn of the 21 century Mid Western Region local government area has experienced the fastest growing development of new large coal mines in NSW.
A merry turnout of campaigners rocked up to celebrate the official launch of the Mullumbimby Gasfield-Free (GFF) sign at the eastern approach to the town while passing motorists peeped their support. The GFF signs, which are popping up all over the shire, are the culmination of the Lock the Gate door-to-door surveys undertaken throughout the shire over the last year.
It’s time for our state to move beyond coal and gas, by driving investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable industries that don’t threaten our land, water and wild places
Stop coal seam gas fracking: protect our waterways
Over 7,000 people have endorsed our open letter to the Premier calling on him to protect New South Wales people and places from rampant coal mining. Now we need to step up our effort to make him act. We've placed an ad in his local paper, and are asking all of you to give him a call and ask him to act to relieve the suffering of people affected by coal mining in regional New South Wales.