
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


AGL has 17,000 square kilometres of exploration area. The Broke area is only 72 square kilometres. Sydney Gas say that at least 70% of that is unavailable to them because of houses, orchards, vineyards, waterways, etc., so we are only asking that 21 or so square kilometres be protected from their gas field. Please put a sign on your fence.
We're ramping up our campaign to keep coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) out of our Scenic Rim. Encourage people to vote to keep their streets, localities, villages and towns Coal and CSG Free. The results are transparent, conclusive and above board - concrete, irrefutable proof that we do not want to live with coal mines and CSG production. The Coal/CSG Free Declaration might not be legally enforceable, but it gives our Council and local members an overwhelming mandate.
This current stage of our campaign to protect our area focuses on raising awareness and sending a clear united "no" message to our shire council and the State Government.
Front Line Action on Coal’s #LeardBlockade is the first coal mine blockade camp in Australia. The #LeardBlockade started 5 August 2012 in the Leard State Forest, but is now situated at Wando (Cliff Wallace’s farm in Maules Creek).
Galilee Blockade allows people to stay in their own region and still target companies and organisations in bed with Adani. We have already empowered numerous grassroots groups to form and self-organise by offering strategic, legal, and other support. All grassroots groups will be professionally trained to safely use disruption, direct action and blockade tactics.