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Federal Electorates
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The Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) is undertaking an inquiry into what a fair price for solar should be - but their draft report is a dismal failure. We don't have long to make sure we get a fair feed-in price for solar.
Tell the state government that a fair price for solar and other small renewable energy installations should be legislated before electricity retailing is privatised.
We can’t let the Newman Government put our energy future back into the hands of the big power companies. Take a stand for your solar and the growth of solar in Queensland today.
We need to continue standing together to ensure there is no discrimination to solar owners—current or future. A
Faced with the imminent threat of unconventional gas fracking, all different kinds of communities are declaring their towns ‘Gasfield Free’ or ‘Coal and Gasfield Free’, depending on the licence they are covered by. This involves a process modelled on that used in Northern NSW, where many towns have already protected themselves against exploration and mining.