
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


We are undertaking a court case to stop more than 1800 hectares of important native forest being cleared on private land near Ansons Bay, including nearly 500 hectares of the endangered Eucalyptus ovata forest
Various campaigns for marine conservation: rock lobsters, fish farms, seal slaughters.
Peter Gutwein's new planning laws are a gift to international property developers who are buying up large swathes of Tasmania... Tasmania needs a planning system that protects local character and urban identity, allows for community oversight and does not favour the interests of a select group. Sign the petition to support these six points as a framework for planning reform in Tasmania.
Nearly 300 000 native animals are killed on Tasmanian roads every year, and on average, you only have to drive 3km to see roadkill. Of this terrible toll, over 3000 Tasmanian Devils are getting hit and killed.
The TCT is focused on making broad and fundamental changes to how waste is managed in Tasmania. We lobby the state government, councils and regional waste management groups to set strategic direction and provide incentives for development of new ways to reuse, recycle and treat all waste streams.