
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


We are a non-political community group raising community awareness about protecting water, air and soil from the adverse and unsustainable impacts of the mining and gas industries
We are a group whose members know and love the waters and surrounding rivers, wetlands and islands of the Great Sandy Strait. We formed in response to discovering imminent approval of a large open cut coal mine in the Susan River and Mary River catchment area.
Get the Frack Out Of Maryborough is a group that takes action to stop fracking in Maryborough.
We are facing an unprecedented global EMERGENCY ⏳ WE NEED non-violent civil disobedience for climate and ecological justice in Aus & the world - starting in your local Main Street. If not you, who & if not now, when?
This group was started to share information about, community activities, talks, information, progress & updates.