
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

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Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Surfrider Foundation South Coast branch campaign saves this beach from developers. It is now a National Surfing Reserve.
There is mounting evidence that CSG mining poses substantial risks. Stop CSG Illawarra formed to express community concern about these risks
Wingecarribee Zero Emissions was an idea that began under the haze of the bushfires, came together during the global pandemic and will continue on for decades. Our goal is to achieve net zero carbon emission for the Wingecarribee Shire by 2050, if not before. Based in NSW.
A wide range of organisations, scientists, water, climate, health, and environmental experts, along with many more people, are campaigning to halt mining at Russell Vale, NSW.
Stop CSG Illawarra is a local community group campaigning for a stop to Coal Seam Gas mining. Based in NSW.